Ornaments, Ornaments, Ornaments…

This is the time of year where DIY ornaments take over my Instagram feed, my Pinterest boards, my search history - all the places! Is it the same for you too?

This week, we’re making this super easy Christmas tree ornament - using only shapes! YEP! Just shapes, and you’ll see how easy it is. Once you get the idea down, I want you to start looking around at items in your home and ideas you’ve imagined in your head…and think about what shapes these items make up? You can create literally anything you want by just looking at it and determining what simple shapes were put together to make that item.

Let me show you!


Tools we hit on in this tutorial: ellipse tool, rounded rectangle tool and the polygon tool! Yep, we are literally just using shapes to make this ornament! I’m also giving you some tips on how I use the warp effect.


A little Christmas ELf fun…Making a hopscotch board for the Elf!


This door sign can't be simpler to make!